Welcome Viventium Team!
Explore all the tools and resources you need to introduce your clients to the Icon PRP, right here.
Submit a lead or get additional materials to send to clients. You can always contact an Icon rep for additional help.
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Enter your client’s information, along with your name and email. We’ll reach out to your client and include you on our communication.
Sales Resources
Send this to your clients who want to learn more about Icon.
Employer webpage »
Helpful resources like state retirement information and one-pagers for your clients.
Resource Library »
Feel free to reach out to us anytime, we’re happy to help.
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PRPs work like a 401k but without the high costs, administrative hassles, and regulatory complexities.
Icon PRP
Average 401k plan
Flat Fee: $70/mo
Discount for annual billing
Flat Fee: $140/mo
Discount for annual billing
Flat Fee: $250/mo
Discount for annual billing
Flat Fee: $350/mo
Discount for annual billing
Discount for annual billing
Talk to us for
flat-fee pricing